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The Brain Sorts Events and Data from a Day in a Dream
"Mind is a force of nature like gravity and light."
Nick Herbert

Some believe our minds are sorting the information we experienced during the day as we sleep. Sorting to store (or remember). Thus, dreaming is an information storm of nature. "Mind as a force of nature" as Nick Herbert puts it. More than 30% of the brain is devoted to visual interpretation. Such a storm might look like this.


This video art installation project was originally designed for 2 projectors and 6 screens measuring 6' X 18'. Viewers were able to approach the screens and rarely see all of them at the same time. It is the intersection of screens we remember best.


To put it on the web, I have combined the six screens into this single frame. At least you can get an idea of the experience though I believe it is a poor substitute.


A prototype of the project was first presented for Prof. Sandy Stone's Advanced Communications Technology Laboratory (the ACTLab) at the University of Texas at Austin in 2009.

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